36: Treating Clients with Ataxia Top Takeaways

Dec 21, 2020

We had a talk about treating clients with ataxia in the NeuroSpark Network. Learn about some of our main takeaways from this session for different patients with ataxia.  It was really helpful for us and for other participants even in working with patients who don’t have ataxia. We share our own knowledge translation takeaways from the lesson.

Anti-racist action: Keep the allyship work on the forefront.  We can walk and chew gum at the same time.  This work continues to be very important and should not take a back seat to what else is happening in the world, which can feel like it needs to take precedence.  Keep reading, journaling, attending webinars, reaching out to others, and supporting black people and people of color.

Want to learn more about treating patients with ataxia and see what it’s like inside the NeuroSpark Network?  Sign up for our free 2-part webinar series happening in January 2021!