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24: Continuing Education Is Outdated and Doesn’t Promote Learning

Sep 28, 2020

The model for continuing education is outdated… shove as much info into your brain in a weekend as possible without the ability to process, try things, and follow up with your instructor or other classmates

Why we’re changing all of that and how much BETTER it’s working for our members.  We excitedly discuss how we think continuing education could really be put together and how we’ve done it.  We also talk about why it’s helping more therapists become better therapists, helping people who have limited time like young mom’s stay excited and current, and how it’s the perfect option for employers paying for con ed.

NeuroSpark Network opens Sept 28 - Oct 2.  Learn more so you can join us in the learning and fun by going to 

Anti-racist action: We joined a membership led by a black PT, Dr. JPop!  It’s called Building Allyship.  We’ll be hosting her on the podcast in the future!  We asked her if we could share some of the things we’ll be learning in the group with our audience, and she said yes!  The book Overcoming Bias by Tiffany Jana and Matthew Freeman was recommended.  It is a great place to turn to work on the implicit biases we all have and aren’t quite sure how to unlearn.