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67: Interested in Implementing Slip/Trip Training with Your Clients and Patients to Reduce Falls?

Jul 26, 2021

On today’s show Claire and JJ talk about JJ’s experience with slip and trip training.  Rogue recently received a community grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation, and one of the programs they will be starting is slip/trip training. Claire learned about the training and research JJ has done during a NeuroSpark call last year and had a lot of questions for JJ about how to get started. JJ gave Claire SO many great ideas for how to get started, and how to tweak the plan to make this training optimal for Rogue’s members!

Here are some Reactive Balance References with key authors and a variety of diagnoses:

Pai Y-C, Bhatt T, Wang E, Espy D, Pavol MJ. Inoculation against falls: rapid adaptation by young and older adults to slips during daily activities. Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation. 2010;91(3):452-459. 

Curuk E, Lee Y, Aruin AS. Individuals with stroke improve anticipatory postural adjustments after a single session of targeted exercises. Human Movement Science. 2020 Feb 1;69:102559.

de Kam D, Roelofs JM, Bruijnes AK, Geurts AC, Weerdesteyn V. The next step in understanding impaired reactive balance control in people with stroke: the role of defective early automatic postural responses. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair. 2017 Aug;31(8):708-16.

Gerards MH, McCrum C, Mansfield A, Meijer K. Perturbation‐based balance training for falls reduction among older adults: Current evidence and implications for clinical practice. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2017 Dec;17(12):2294-303.

Mansfield A, Wong JS, Bryce J, Knorr S, Patterson KK. Does perturbation-based balance training prevent falls? Systematic review and meta-analysis of preliminary randomized controlled trials. Physical Therapy. 2015;95(5):700-709. 

McCrum C, Gerards MH, Karamanidis K, Zijlstra W, Meijer K. A systematic review of gait perturbation paradigms for improving reactive stepping responses and falls risk among healthy older adults. European review of aging and physical activity. 2017 Dec;14(1):3.

Okubo Y, Brodie MA, Sturnieks DL, et al. Exposure to trips and slips with increasing unpredictability while walking can improve balance recovery responses with minimum predictive gait alterations. Plos One. 2018;13(9):e0202913.